Contact Us

Contact Us at Gameshoek

At Gameshoek, we always encourage interaction and appreciate all feedback from the community. Whether you are a teacher, student, educator, or simply someone who loves education, we are always ready to listen and respond to all your requests.


General information: To receive information about Gameshoek and upcoming events, send an email to [email protected].
Technical support: If you experience technical problems or need assistance using the forum, please contact [email protected].
Feedback and suggestions: We appreciate all of your comments. Send your feedback or suggestions to [email protected].
Advertising and partnerships: To discuss advertising or partnership opportunities, please contact [email protected].

Social network:

Facebook: Follow us on Facebook at Gameshoek to stay informed and join our community.
Twitter: Follow @Gameshoek on Twitter to get quick updates and join lively discussions.
Instagram: See images and videos from Gameshoek on @gameshoek_insta.

Office Address:

Headquarters: 1331 E Waverly St, Tucson, AZ 85719, USA. We are open to visitors from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

We always want to create the best learning environment for everyone and encourage your participation. Please contact us to build a strong and positive educational community together.